
The learning of every student at Geeveston Primary School is important to all staff. While classroom teachers have the main responsibility for the learning outcomes of the students in their class, further support can be provided by our Support Team as necessary. Students with additional needs may require an Individual Education Plan that identifies adjustments to their learning program to offer additional support or extension. 

Our Support Team

Support Teacher

An experienced teacher is assigned to co-ordinate the various services and interventions for students who are experiencing learning difficulties or require support to extended beyond the curriculum. Our support teacher works collaboratively with classroom teachers to plan and implement individualised learning programs and experiences for our students.

Teacher Assistants

A team of teacher assistants provide support for all students at Geeveston Primary School to enhance student learning. 

School Psychologist

Our school psychologist visits the school regularly to support students and families and to support teachers to improve student wellbeing and learning.

School Social Worker

Supporting families in the community and monitoring student wellbeing is the major role of our school social worker.