students sitting

Geeveston Primary School is a learning community that promotes student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships so that students can reach their full potential. We achieve this through a variety of methods, activities and programs that focus on providing opportunities for students to gain the skills required to recognise the importance of their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others; including digital wellbeing. Our school has a zero tolerance approach to any form of bullying or harassment which is supported by our Respectful Student Behaviour Policy.

ZONES of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation® is a systematic, cognitive behavioural approach used to teach self-regulation by grouping our state of alertness, feelings and arousal into four coloured zones. Created by Occupational Therapist and Autism Resource Specialist, Leah Kuypers, the framework provides children with strategies and tools to become aware and independent in controlling their emotional impulses, manage their sensory needs, and improve their overall ability to problem solve. At Geeveston Primary School, the children participate in focused lessons that explain each of the zones of regulation in addition to strategies that can assist them to move to the green zone and be ready to learn.

the Zones of Regulation


The online world is a fundamental part of our modern lives, providing access to everyday services, social media networks, entertainment and education. Responsible use of digital technology is everyone’s business – this includes users, providers, parents, schools and communities. Most online safety (eSafety) issues occur when students are online outside of school, school activities and school IT systems. It is important that students know how to use online technology safely, and are supported in behaving respectfully and responsibly to keep themselves and others safe. We, at Geeveston Primary School, responsibly model and promote positive and safe online activity through both focused and incidental teaching episodes. Click here for more information and resources.

Bullying. No Way!

Countering bullying involves the whole school community. Each person in the school community has an important role. School staff can do a great deal to prevent bullying and protect students, but can achieve much more if they involve everyone in the school community. Students and families are central to preventing bullying and creating a school climate of respect and inclusion, and their meaningful engagement demonstrates the value the school holds for students and families. The anti-bullying message is adhered to every day by staff and students at Geeveston Primary School and we participate in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence