At Geeveston Primary School, we endeavour to provide our students with leadership opportunities that build positive relationships through the use of effective communication and interpersonal skills. Our Year 6 students form the leadership team and they work collaboratively to perform duties within the school and community. Our leadership program includes:


Each week, our school comes together to share common messages and celebrations. These assemblies are planned, organised and conducted by our school leaders.

Daily PE Leaders 

Students in Years 6 have the opportunity to become a Daily P.E. leader. These leaders are resopnsible for planning, implementing and reviewing the Daily P.E program for the whole school. The leaders are prepared for this challenge under the supervision of the class teacher who monitors the program.

Buddy Reading

The school leaders spend time every week in an early years classroom to read to our younger students and help reinforce learned reading strategies. 

Community Involvement

Representing our school at community events allows our leaders further opportunities to enhance their skills and confidence.